In addition to basic classes, there are also advanced classes. A hero with personal magnetism and a way with words. The Charismatic Hero, based on Charisma (CHA).The Dedicated Hero, based on Wisdom (WIS).A know-it-all hero with an edge in brain-intensive skills. The Smart Hero, based on Intelligence (INT).Difficult to take down and can resist most sicknesses. The Tough Hero, based on Constitution (CON).Nimble, quick, and able to evade most incoming attacks. The Fast Hero, based on Dexterity (DEX).These heroes are brawny, and they greatly favor melee combat. The Strong Hero, based on Strength (STR).A beginning basic hero will become a more specific advanced-class hero at later levels, depending on which abilities a player favors for their character. Each basic class has its own set of skills, feats, talents, saves, hit dice, wealth bonus, and so on.

Each basic class corresponds to one of the six ability scores in the d20 System. All heroes start with a first-level, basic class. In d20 Modern, each character is referred to as a hero. They closed out the line in 2006 with another campaign setting, the classic Dark And afterward they extended d20 even further, with the science-fiction d20 Future (2004) and the historical d20 Past (2005).
: 288 Wizards expanded from their work with the game, developing one of d20 Modern's setting into a full sourcebook, the Urban Arcana Campaign Setting (2003). Wizards released d20 Modern in 2002 at the same time the company was revamping its Star Wars role-playing game.